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Testimonial: "We can now do all the work in the field with one person less"


Trekkerweb visited Koen Langerwerf, a driver at Hoeve de Blauwe Kei. As from this year, he drives the Ceres 450 (in combination with the GE-Force C). Why? We gave Koen the floor:

Check out the entire testimonial here!

"I'm Koen Langerwerf, I'm 28 and I work for a farmer who mainly grows potatoes. We have been using an AVR Ceres 450 since this year. This is an all-in-one potato planter combination that is pulled by a tractor, not mounted.

The reason that we purchased this one is that we can now do all the work in the field with one person less. We can now use the machine with wide tyres so that we do not compact the soil as much. Therefore, we no longer use rowcrop wheels.

You are done in one go: you no longer need to go with the soil cultivator over the headlanders. You can finish the plot in one go and no longer need to go back.

Each year, we grow potatoes on approximately 140 ha: 70 ha of cook potatoes and 70 ha of seed potatoes.

We have now planted approximately 15 ha of cook potatoes. We still need to plant on the remaining 125 ha. We first start with the cook potatoes in light soil because the weather is not cooperating. It is just about sufficiently dry to advance quickly in the sandy soil. Only for heavy soil do you usually have to wait and see. This is the first plot where we will be working in heavy soil. So let's see how it goes."
